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Showing posts from May, 2020

Tafsiril Quran Suratul Baqarat (The Cow) From Verse 254

AHUDHU BILLAHI mina shatooni rrojiim. BISMILLAAHI RRAHMONI RROHIIM. Allahumo solli ala seyyidina Muhammad, alfaatihu limaa ugliqa walkhatimi limaa sabaqa, naasiril haqqi bilhaqqi walhaa'dii illa sirotikal mustaqeemi,  was all aalihi haqqa qadrihi' wamiqdaarihil a'dhim. Shahida llaahu annahu laa ilaaha illaa huwa, walmalaikatu, wauulul ilmi qaaiman bil qisti laailaaha illahuwal a'ziizul hakim. Waqulul hamdulillahi lladhi man yattakhidh waladan walam yakun lahu sharikun fil mulki, walam yakun waluyyun Mina dhulli wakabbirhu takbiiran. Allahua Akbar Kabiiran... We thank God for the opportunity he gave us to be on this platform and to share his light to guide us through the path of earth to paradise. We pray for our teachers, parents, and all the people that deserves prayers. May God be pleased with us all. The Noble Quran Suratul Baqorah is named as The Cow because of it's many verses, many topics, lenghty, many usefulness as a cow is known to be. We