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Tafsiril Quran Suratul Baqarat (The Cow) From Verse 254


Allahumo solli ala seyyidina Muhammad, alfaatihu limaa ugliqa walkhatimi limaa sabaqa, naasiril haqqi bilhaqqi walhaa'dii illa sirotikal mustaqeemi,  was all aalihi haqqa qadrihi' wamiqdaarihil a'dhim.

Shahida llaahu annahu laa ilaaha illaa huwa, walmalaikatu, wauulul ilmi qaaiman bil qisti laailaaha illahuwal a'ziizul hakim.

Waqulul hamdulillahi lladhi man yattakhidh waladan walam yakun lahu sharikun fil mulki, walam yakun waluyyun Mina dhulli wakabbirhu takbiiran. Allahua Akbar Kabiiran...

We thank God for the opportunity he gave us to be on this platform and to share his light to guide us through the path of earth to paradise.

We pray for our teachers, parents, and all the people that deserves prayers. May God be pleased with us all.

The Noble Quran

Suratul Baqorah is named as The Cow because of it's many verses, many topics, lenghty, many usefulness as a cow is known to be. We are starting our tafsir (explanation) from verse 254...

God said;

254: Oh you (plural) that do believe and has faith in me, spend from what we gave provided for you before a day will come to you that there won't be transaction, no friendship, and no intercession in it. And it's the ungrateful people in this earth that are hypocrites  on that day (not me, God) (in what punishment they receive on the day.

It is important to spend whatever God has given someone in His cause. Who do we spend to since we won't give God directly? To people in need around us, to messengers of God, to orphans, widows, travellers, people handling God's Gospel and works, people and kids leaning about God and His religion, mosques, etc. This earth will only be temporary, so we should spend what we have (money, power, status, knowledge, kindness, etc) and spend the best of what we have to gain what's best in the earth and heaven before we won't be able to do so again. In the heaven, no transaction, friendship and intercession. And no one will be cheated in that day. It's only the one that fails to follow God's guide that cheated on themselves.

255: God, (the owner of everything, earths, heavens, what's in between them, what's inside them and everything we know of and what we know nothing about), there is no owner of things except the owner (there's no God of something except The God of everything), the one that lives, (never died and wont die), the ever living, a single dosing never catches him nor a single sleep, all what is in the heavens (seven heavens) belongs to him and what is in the earth (seven earths), who is that person that will intercede from Him (for himself or someone else) unless with his permission (who he wants to) He knows what his creatures are doing presently (and what is happening to them), and what they will do later, and in future (and what will happen to them later, and in future), nothing will be engulfed no matter how small it is, from the knowledge that surely belongs to God, except by His will, His stool is wider than the combination of the heavens and earth, He feels no fatigue (or stress, or strain) from guarding the two (heavens and earths including what's inside them, on top of them and what's in between them), He is The High (no other is High except him) The Mighty no other is Mighty except Him) everything that seems high and mighty derives theirs from God's).

This is a very important verse, it briefly explains to us how mighty God is. His stool is similar to a small table-like object that kings and wealthy people place in front of their throne or chair. If God's stool is mighty that the combination of earth and heaven, how does His throne compares, how does God Himself compares. This verse also serves as a great prayer that can be used against series of problems. With this verse, it's easy to appreciate God's might and existence.

Quran is Pleasant

256: There is no compulsion in The Religion (Islam), indeed the right path is distinct from the wrong path, and whosoever denies "rebellion against God", then indeed he has grasped the authentic hold, that has no possibility of breakage (or let down), and God is The All-Earing, The All-knowing.

No one should be forced to practice any religion, everyone has a choice yo make since the right and wrong has been clearly explained and the consequences of our actions have been revealed to us through God's message and His messenger. Anyone that resists satanic advises and believes in God, has done the right thing that will make him or her gain God's pleasures in earth and in the heaven. God knows everything that every creature does or say, and he knows about all of it hidden or open.

257: God is the friend of the believers, He brings them out the darkness to the light, and the "ungrateful to God " (disbelievers)  their friend are act of disobeying (or rebellion against) God, they brings them out of the light to the darkness, these people are companions of the fire, which they will live in (with tormenting) forever.

God loves the ones that believes truly in Him and His messages, and their believe in Him makes them move out of darkness to light, sorrow to happiness, loss to gain, misery to victory, etc while reverse is the case for the unbelievers in God and His words, Satan is their friend, and they are disgusting to God. Because they are of darkness, their abode will also be darkness which is hellfire where they will live forever. As their skin Burns off by fire, it will be replenished and will continue like that so that they continue suffering forever. They won't be alive and won't be dead in the hellfire. As for the people of the light, they will enter light which is paradise, they will only enjoy in it, no suffering. As they wish for something, they will get it. And they will also dwell in the paradise forever which is the reward of their belief and deeds on earth.

258: Didn't you look at the person who disputed with Ibrahim (Abraham) (AS) concerning his Lord, because God has given him wealth and kingship, when Ibrahim told him, my Lord is He that controls life and death, the king (namruz) said; I do control life and death, (so he took two men from his subjects, killed one and let one go alive), Ibrahim said; verily, my Lord brings the sun from the east, so (oh namruz) make it come from the west, and the ungrateful (namruz) became dumbfounded, and God doesn't not guide aright the hypocrites.

God is reporting an incident that happened with prophet Abraham (AS)...
During the time of prophet Abraham, (AS), the king of his town argued with him calling himself god. Abraham (AS) explained to him the signs of God and how powerful God is, but he was adamant. Abraham then told him that God is the One that makes his creatures stay alive, and makes who He wishes to die. The king immediately ordered his guards to bring two men. He then killed one, and spared the other. He turned to Abraham (AS) and said he can kill and spare people to live too. Abraham saw his ignorance and further explained that God makes the sun se rise from the east, if king namruz wishes to prove himself, he should make it rise from the west, and not the usual east. The king was speechless knowing it's impossible for him to twist that, and couldn't argue anymore, even though he didn't accept to believe in God. This happened because God only guide aright those he wills, do didn't be surprised when you see someone that won't accept Gods believe despite that they see the truth. They are hypocrites and unguided to the light.

259: Or like the one that passed through a town that is tumbled over it's roofs, he said (doubtfully) is it possible for this town be made alive after it's death? And God made him die for hundred years, then raised him (from his death), God said to him; how long have you been here? he said; I've been here for a day or a little portion of a day. God said; rather, you've been here for a year,  (to confirm) look at your food and your drink, they haven't changed, and look at your donkey, and to make you a sign for mankind, and look at the bones, how we fix them together, then we cover them with flesh, when it was now clear to him (that he was dead for hundred years and raised back to life), I know better now, that indeed, God has capacity over everything.

Another reported is that of a man walking through a town, as he walks by he saw all the houses and valuables destroyed, no sign of living being in the town. Out of pity, he said it's impossible to make the town alive again with every valuable restored, and people and animals living in it happily. God responded to him by showing him little of him might. He made him die for hundred years, and raised him from death afterwards. God then asked him how long he has been at his position, he though he slept off and it's only for a day. Later he said it's not up  to a day, it's just a little portion of that day. Maybe like 2 hours less. God told him it's far from correct, to prove that, he should look at his food and drink, since it's about two hours sleep, the food and drink should still be intact, also to look at his donkey. To his surprise, his food has decomposed, the container, only pieces of it found around as it has been broken by heat, and time. The drink also got dried up with the container useless. As he tried to look at his donkey, he only saw cracky bones of the dead and decomposed donkey. Then to serve as sign to the man and all creatures that there's nothing impossible for God to do if he wills, right in the presence and visuals of the man, God made the cracked disjointed bones of the docket to join together and covered it up with flesh, and the donkey became alive again. After that incident and knowing what has happened to him for hundred years, the man was completely convinced that God can do anything he wills to do. He knows better, and so should all creatures. 


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