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Introductory Piece

Ahuu'dhu billaahi' mina shshaytooni rrojeem. Bismillaahi Rrahmaani  Rroheem.

May God increase the peace, blessings and all good things on Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his household, good family, good companions, his helpers and good wishers.

May God increase the goodness of my teachers, and all teachers in the religion of God, living and living beyond, our parents, good families, friends, neighbors. Amen.

I greet every reader in the name of God, The High. The Holy. The Good. The Everything.

This site is created for the propagation of God's only true religion. We aim to post our views on Islam as God give us the strength and knowledge by tefsirs, hadiths, views of great men of God and whatever means God wants us to use.

We will also use this medium to correct some misunderstandings, misrepresentations and wrong views by some people.

We are starting our Tafsirul Quran from suratul baqorah, Verse 261. This is because we have already been doing the tafsir since 2 years ago with our students in our Arabic & Islamic School. We started during Ramadhan 2018, with the Verse of Fasting, then suratul Fatihat, after which we did suratul baqorah. We might take those parts later but we need to keep with our usual tafsir as we continue offline, and we'll keep updating it online.

May God be our guide. 


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